The following are three guided visualizations, by topic, created in 2000 as hypnotherapy aides.


There is no problem we might face that cannot be helped by the practice of opening our heart more fully. Some signs that our heart may be armored or closed, are tense muscles, a tight jaw, shallow breathing and an anxious, stressed out or confused mind. The good feelings which can be generated by the simple, yet so very meaningful act of opening our heart more fully, not only inspire us to succeed in life, but actually make it more likely that we will. This is because an openhearted stance corresponds to a more resourceful, energized and creative state of both body and mind.

By choosing to participate fully in this highly effective mini program, you will learn how to shift into a more open state of mind, body, feelings and spirit in moments, enjoying the results immediately, wherever you may be, anytime you want to.

Simply do this: begin by getting very comfortable. Sitting upright in a chair is fine, or lying down, as you wish. Close your eyes gently when you feel ready...

Notice your breathing, the gentle feeling of air passing in and out through your nose, or mouth.

Feel the surface beneath you, how fully it is supporting you, holding you up....all your bones, your muscles, your spine....vertebrae....all the tissues of your lovely it is to have nothing to do.....nowhere else to be...just here, in this moment...and this moment...

Be aware of your whole body in this moment, just here, now...

Let your awareness sink down comfortably to the earth, under you.. Sense how perfectly it is holding your whole self up...letting you breathe easier, relaxing even another increment...

Now, expand your awareness to include your heart, the place where all beautiful feelings reside..If you want to, place a hand over your heart.....Breathe into your heart...gently, without any effort, allowing yourself to deepen and to expand, with each breath you take....

Feel your lungs, taking in oxygen, filling and emptying with no effort...Let your lungs be the wings of your heart...

Now, remember a time when your heart was to fly, perhaps... when you were feeling safe and trusting to just the moment....breathing and feeling and expressing the good feelings (love) in your opening heart...

Feel the sense of power it brings....of goodwill..... courage.....peace....throughout your whole body, here, in this moment...knowing that you can choose to be here, in your opened heart, anytime you want, wherever you may be... feeling this way....

Slowly, gently now, bring your awareness fully back into this space and time, your body resting here...and when you are ready to, just open your eyes....

And now, as you prepare to go on with the rest of your day, stay aware of your breathing, your whole body sense, your heart...breathing easier knowing you can shift easily from the tired or wired, stressed or depressed experience of a closed heart, into the energized, inspired, peacefully kind experience of an open heart.


For hundreds of thousands of contemporary men and women, the number one complaint in their lives is "stress." Sadly, most of us don't realize that we don't have to be at the mercy of the stress producing matters in our lives. Further, that we not only can learn to manage the kind and degree of stress we experience, but can dissolve it altogether, at will, by taking a few simple steps. This program gives you these steps, and if practiced on a regular basis, will enable you to shift easily and dependably from stress mode, into a relaxed body, more balanced emotional state, and a resourceful state of mind. The process involves a new, empowering way to understand stress itself, what it is, and how it operates. This is accompanied by a short, very relaxing guided process that teaches you how to melt the stressed feelings any time, anywhere you want to.

Let's begin. Sit comfortably. When you're ready to, close your eyes and focus within... Put your attention on your breathing... As you breathe, notice the simple, natural way that air comes in, and goes out through your nose or mouth. Allow yourself two or three very natural, more relaxing breaths...Imagine this good feeling spreading all through your chest... on down into your belly...down even to your feet and toes... Let your breathing spread this peaceful relaxation throughout your whole body... especially encircling your heart....letting the good feelings in, however you want to...Enjoy the present moment, the place where all easy feelings reside...

Good. Now, let's answer this question inside: what's one thing that you feel particularly stressed out about in your life right now See it.....or hear it..... or just feel it.... just how big, loud or heavy this stress can be...

As you focus your attention on being stressed out, does your breath stay open to good feelings, or become more restricted, leaving you tense, tight, more anxious? Whenever you want to shift from stressed and anxious, into breathing much easier, the first step is to just let your awareness notice your anxious mind or body... and tense breath... and then, change it into a more full, deep and expanded way of breathing... Notice how your more relaxed body and mind matches your more relaxed way of breathing...

Now, let's focus in again on your stress(-producing matter) while practicing breathing consciously at the same time... As you think about the stress you're under, notice the sense of pressure that goes along with this "stress, " how something outside you seems to be a threat... Notice how this person, place or thing that seems to be the source of your it triggers off something inside.... pushes some kind of insecurity button...and leaves you feeling upset....perhaps ashamed....or if something bad is about to if something wonderful cannot happen instead...

The actual experience we call "stress" is really about the particular way we react to a person, a place or a thing outside... you react by having fearful expectations about what might happen...and perhaps trying to control the situation and feel better by worrying a lot....The worry method occupies our mind in a way that prevents the new information we need for creative resolution from getting in... Worrying is a non resourceful state... Notice how your worrying mind is accompanied by shallow breathing, restrictive oxygen intake and anxiety responses in your body...

Understand this: stress can only live..inside of us... in an unconscious worrying state....To transform the experience of stress and open yourself up to creative, stress free solutions...change three things: one, your relationship to your tense, anxious or tired body by breathing in a fuller, deeper manner.....two, your relationship to your worried, confused mind by breathing into the present moment where new information for effective resolutions awaits your attention.... and last, your relationship to your upset, shamed or scared feelings by allowing your new way of breathing to open and reassure your heart.

Good...take a moment to breathe easy and review this simple, highly effective process. Noticing your anxiety and stress... breathing into your body, heart and mind fully in the present moment...melting tensions and dissolving future fears.... opening now to new information....creating a successful resolution.....

When you are ready to, gently open your eyes and be fully back in this space, at this time, relaxed, knowing that with practice, you can transform your stress into life-giving resolutions, when ever you want or need to.


Perhaps you remember the joy you had as a young child at play. You could make almost anyone a friend: the kid next door, an elderly relative, a new kitten, -even a fluffy cloud drifting across the sky. Play feels good all over. It's an integral part of a fulfilling lifestyle, bringing a sense of belonging, of being connected, and appreciated for being just who we are.

Joyful play is a natural balm to our daily dilemmas. Its belly laughs have been shown to boost the immune system and readily dissolve stress. The ability to be in relaxing play mode is also an integral part of the creative process, whereby new ideas, artistry and originality, and the evolution useful services can be assured.

If play feels so good and is so good for us, why then, we might ask, do so few of us make ample time to indulge in its delights? And if creative play is so natural to us as children, how does it become awkward and foreign as we become grown ups?

Unfortunately the pressures and stresses most of us experience in our daily lives work against time for playful presence. Like meditation, play focuses here, in the present moment, a habit most of us have gotten out of. Additionally, fears of being judged as silly, clumsy (bumbling) or unimaginative further alienate us from deep play mode.

The following guided process provides a brief, highly effective way to remember spontaneous play. You'll be able to imagine yourself having a splendid time activating your play sense-abilities. Being conscious of your playful feelings will activate your memory deeply, enabling you to overcome any initial hesitations you may encounter. Using this program on a regular basis will enable you to shift into play mode at will.

First, just get comfortable and relaxed, anyway you want to.

Breathe naturally, just letting air come in and go out again, easily, through your nose or mouth.

Stretch, yawn perhaps... close your eyes when you feel ready to...

Now let your mind and your imagination be free. ..

Remember...when was the last time you felt playful? ... What kind of play were you in the mood for?... Can you remember where you were?... Was it an environment that encouraged you to let your hair down and express yourself freely.... or not?

As you breathe, let your imaginal mind conjure up a perfect play setting, one in which you will feel safe to play however you like, with whomever you want as a playmate, You have all the trust you need -trust in yourself, trust in your play in the unfolding of the playful activity.

With your inner vision, see how you look as you play...Look into your eyes.... How do you feel? Which senses are especially turned on for you this time: your sense of sight?...sound?....touch?.... smell?....taste?...

Play is a lot like love: notice how it has no goal beyond itself....

Notice that play has no enemies.... and no losers..... Everyone playing, wins....

Allow yourself to breathe even more freely, breathing fully into your play, right here in the present moment.... let the joy of spontaneous free expression...and of sharing this with friends, fill you up completely....

Remember that you have always known how to do this, how to feel and be this free, this alive....this safe, to just be yourself.... and let others do and be the same... Enjoy remembering how easy it is to just make it up as you go along...being playful... Perhaps you are feeling very creative or inventive... Enjoy this naturally good feeling....

Now, it's time to end this play session. Take a moment to appreciate your whatever way it feels right or natural.... Promise yourself that you will come back into play mode whenever you want to, wherever you need to, just by breathing easier and being yourself and being a friend just in this moment, making it up as you go along....

And now as you prepare to go about your day, enjoy saying "yes" to life, through the moments of play you'll be creating along the way., and its many, many benefits.

BOOSTING CREATIVITY -script by Marcia Singer ©2000

What does creativity mean to you? Being artistic? Being exceptionally inventive or clever, or excelling in one of more of the traditional arts? Do you consider yourself to be a creative person? Are you feeling blocked right now in your creative expression or your passion?

The good news is that creativity is inherent in everyone; it's the wondrous faculty that allows us to bring anything into being, using our imagination, our desire and intent, and our supportive and appropriate actions. You are being creative when you daydream, when you paint a picture or make up a story or song for your child, decorate your living room, bake a cake or make love. When you trust in your natural self expression, you are in a more resourceful state.... and your Creative I.Q. goes up. The bad news is that many of us think creativity belongs only to a select few others, or that creativity only happens once in a while or with great effort, or only applies to arts like dancing or photography. Such limiting beliefs and attitudes will keep you in a closed, less resourceful state, and lower your chances to feel creative. Your Creative I.Q. automatically is lowered.

Whether you already know yourself to be creative, or whether you are just opening to the experience, this special meditation program is designed to help you boost your creative intelligence quotient -what we'll call your creative "I.Q." Additionally, you may feel creativity flow through you as a universal life force, one that you can call upon any time, any where, with predictable success. You will access your intuition, and your creative instincts, and love the good feeling this brings.

You'll need about (5) minutes, The first thing to do, is sit or lie down, and get very comfortable. Close your eyes gently, whenever you feel ready to...Let everything else go, relaxing every muscle from head to toe....

Now, ask yourself this: how creative am I feeling right now? On an imaginary scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the most creative I can imagine being, what number am I right now?

OK. Breathe into that number and feel how it can move, be free to go up as you are willing to explore boosting your Creative I.Q. By becoming more positive and trusting.

As you breathe and relax even more fully, focus on what exactly you want from having more creativity: do you want inspiration for a project? More juice, passion or energy? More confidence in your own special way of expressing? Or something else....

What would be different in your life if you had this now....?

What, if anything has been in the way in the past of having this experience of creative excellence and fire? Touch into your great desire to be free now to succeed on your own creative terms...

Breathe deeply into your willingness to remove any block you may find....just allow your natural creative sense-ability to come in and remove the blockage, easily, without any effort..enjoy making it up as you go along....feel the sense of play....of power as obstructions dissolve, come apart, drift away or disappear....enjoy the sense of flowing freedom to just this moment... and the next....

Now check your creative I.Q. gauge: how high has the number risen towards 10? Breathe into your newfound sense of freedom to create what you want, the way you need to, in your own time and pacing.... See, hear, feel what you will be doing creatively now.... Enjoy the beautiful feelings of openness to your special muse.... your inspiration....

Expand your awareness to include present time and my voice, and this presentation as you prepare to return to usual space time with your pleasureable feelings of heightened Creative I.Q. and readiness to proceed with whatever you wish to create whenever you are ready to manifest it...Open your eyes, whenever you are ready to...

As you go on with the rest of your day, remember to stay aware of your breathing, your more relaxed body and mind, and awareness that creativity is always yours to call upon, and to feel moving freely throughout your being.