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Dear Reader - Viewer,

Thanks to several dear helpmateys who lessened the techno learning curve, I'm on board: Jack Birdsall (uploading my art-poetry book to Lulu.com (lulu.com/artwild), Walt Hochbreuckner, John Tierney, Alisa Gabrielle, Cinny Ebin Taub, sister Beth McLeod and Kelly O'Brien (my web designer saint) - you've all played a meaningful role.

Displayed pieces are culled from many years of ruminations on diverse subjects: Peace, "Growing Elder" and grayer, Relationships, Sensuality, 9-11, Home, Healing, Creativity. Each piece was made organically through improvising --making it up as I go along, from the "insight out." Even when engaging a painful experience, there's a playful fascination for me in the process of making the art. It inspired me to a path I call The Sacred Artist's Way; as a workshop, it's a 4-step process applicable to any art form, making it a Meditation.

Most of my art-making arises within as searches for healing and wholeness, in spiritual seeking, curiosity about what lies within my psyche, or thankfully, from sheer silliness. Assemblage, making talismans, and cartooning are favored tools. I delight in finding relationships among things not usually associated together (or with art!), and in discovering the novel in ordinary things. "Found objects" - both natural and man-made --often enter into play in making masks, dolls and gourds. Fetishes (art made for healing) abound, constructed from things found while hiking: feathers, bones, shells, beach glass, plastic spoons and seed pods, all serving my world of engaging wholeness and play-filled expression. (See "Gratitude Gremlin" dollies under "What's New", below.)

May you jibe with the themes, joys and pains, the resurrections, renewals and surprises herein. My life is intense, deeply felt, passionately embraced - and shared intimately herein. And it is ALL about "L-O-V-E"-- discovering love at the heart (h'art) of everything.

UPDATES - What's New and Evolving

GRATITUDE GREMLINS --"Heyoka" Medicine, dollies that come from Coyote, The Trickster. I've made a book noting each Friend that pops up with its teaching.

Marcia Singer's COsMIC BOOK --An Anthology of Toon-Up Tales - not yet online. Digital version to offer this year?

Various H'artwork pieces may be available for purchase. Contact me

Love your feedback.